We are fully aware going outside your home can cause concern. We share your concerns. The measures we have taken improve not only your safety but the safety of our team, our families, and the community at large. We have a vested interest in maintaining the highest standards of care. We know when you visit us your mind will be put at ease. Below is a list of some of the new measures we have put into place. Patients themselves are now a big part of preventing transmission. We ask for your cooperation for the safety of everyone.
Rest assured, all these procedures are designed to create the safest environment for you, other patients, and our team. We aim to be the safest dental facility in the community. Please contact us directly at 613-253-8100 if you have any concerns or questions.
Thank you for patience and loyalty throughout this ordeal. We value your trust and look forward to welcoming you back!
Dr Razia Arora, and your Oral Health Care Team at Dentistry @ Carleton Place.