Dentist Carleton Place
where relaxation meets care

Dental Terms

Primary teeth Carleton Place

Primary teeth, often referred to as baby teeth or milk teeth, constitute the initial set of 20 teeth that children develop in preparation for their permanent teeth. These primary teeth serve essential functions in your child's early years. They enable proper chewing for good nutrition, play a crucial role in speech development, and play a pivotal role in saving space for and guiding the permanent teeth into their correct positions. Typically, the front four baby teeth remain until around 6-7 years of age, while the back baby teeth are not replaced until the ages of 10-13.

The development of children's teeth begins before birth and can be influenced by any challenges encountered during pregnancy. While the eruption of baby teeth through the gums may vary, the first teeth usually emerge around 6-10 months of age, with the lower central incisors typically appearing first. By the age of 3, most children have all 20 primary teeth, although the timing and sequence of eruption can differ significantly from one child to another.

Ensuring the proper care and maintenance of primary teeth is essential for your child's oral health. At Dentistry @ Carleton Place in Carleton Place, our dedicated team, led by Dr. Razia Arora, is here to support you in preserving your child's dental well-being from their very first tooth onward. We provide guidance on oral care routines, address any concerns, and offer valuable advice to promote healthy primary teeth and facilitate the transition to permanent teeth.

Contact Dentistry @ Carleton Place at (613) 253-8100 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Razia Arora and ensure your child's primary teeth receive the best care possible. Our conveniently located practice at 444 McNeely Ave., Unit C3 (in Walmart Plaza) in Carleton Place, ON, is committed to helping your child maintain a bright and healthy smile.

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