Dentist Carleton Place
where relaxation meets care

Dental Terms

Filling Carleton Place

A dental filling is a common dental procedure used to restore a tooth that has been damaged by decay (cavities) or minor fractures. The primary goal of a filling is to repair the tooth's structure, function, and appearance, while also preventing further decay or damage.

Here's what you can expect during the dental filling process with Dr. Razia Arora at Dentistry @ Carleton Place:

  1. Assessment: Dr. Razia Arora will begin by examining your tooth and the surrounding area. X-rays may be taken to determine the extent of the damage.
  2. Anesthesia: Before the procedure begins, you will receive a local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth. This ensures that you won't feel any pain during the filling placement.
  3. Decay Removal: Dr. Razia Arora will use special dental instruments to carefully remove the decayed or damaged portion of your tooth. The area will be thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the filling.
  4. Filling Material: There are different types of filling materials available, including gold, porcelain, composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and amalgam (a metal alloy). You and Dr. Razia Arora will discuss which option is best for your specific needs.
  5. Filling Placement: Once the filling material is chosen, it will be placed into the prepared cavity. Dr. Razia Arora will shape and polish the filling to ensure a comfortable bite and a natural appearance.
  6. Final Assessment: After the filling is in place, Dr. Razia Arora will check your bite to ensure it's comfortable and that the filling doesn't interfere with your natural tooth alignment.

With proper care and oral hygiene, dental fillings can last for many years. It's important to continue brushing, flossing, and attending regular dental check-ups to maintain the health of your restored tooth and prevent future dental issues.

If you have a tooth that needs attention or suspect you may have a cavity, don't hesitate to contact Dentistry @ Carleton Place at (613) 253-8100. Our dental team is here to provide you with high-quality dental care. You can find us conveniently located at 444 McNeely Ave., Unit C3 (in Walmart Plaza) in Carleton Place, ON.

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